
Woodwork Tools

What is a Maker?

What is a Maker?

I have been asked on occasion “What does the Maker part in your name mean?” 

People have read The Smithery brand byline - Builders & Makers and looked somewhat confused at how the word “make” co-exists with ”build”.  It might be that the building trade has evolved so far that your average builder no longer makes anything.  Builders are becoming assemblers simply cutting prescribed manufactured parts to length and nailing them together.  Or installing pre-hung doors with pre-installed hardware, pre-made timber frames, pre-made stairs and pre-made cabinets.  The list goes on.  

Superior to any other Manufacturer

Superior to any other Manufacturer

Superior to any other.

I have an old saw in my daily tool kit that is from the Golden Age of saw making.   Long before the introduction of awful orange plastic handles, before disposable hardened point teeth that cannot be sharpened, quality manufacturers focused on making the best possible products they could, as reputation meant everything.